Holly Burch

Data Architect, Sharp HealthCare


Holly Burch


Holly Burch is a member of the Enterprise Analytics Team at Sharp Healthcare in San Diego, CA. As Sharp has migrated many of its large on-premise applications to the cloud (Snowflake, DBT Cloud, Fivetran, DataRobot, Workday, EPIC Electronic Health Record) Holly participates as a Data Architect in the development and implementation of a constantly evolving enterprise analytics architecture to meet the needs for data-driven reporting, analytics, predictive modeling, and natural language processing. Holly was born in Florida and moved to San Diego to attend Scripps Institution of Oceanography and earn a Ph.D. in Applied Ocean Sciences. Later she learned her real passion was working with data for analytic purposes and redirected her career. Holly has been at Sharp for 15 years and has worked as a BI Analyst and Developer before moving into the Data Architect role.

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